Wednesday, December 26, 2012


The art of verbal dispute can be portrayed through one's actions. Plus the viability to return home in triumph depends solely on your words, how sharp they actually are, how convincing your argument is. Negate the opposition front bench's intangible policy. Substantiate your claim with logical theories.

I've encountered an atheist before, from Singapore. I had to prove the existence of god on the basis of islamic philosophy I know about. (Allah for that matter, that's what I believe in) and after realizing how pathetic the answers were, and a look of slight bewilderment from him, he walked off. I managed to pull myself through an awkward situation.

As long as you stick to your stance, your point of view and your opinion
As long as you're not indecisive and ambivalent
Conquest will prevail.

Gunakan akal gunakan kepandaian. Hak bersuara atas dasar limitasi, jangan menghakimi manusia secara membabi buta sampai mati. Hakim menghakimi, peguam membela.

Jadi manusia berguna yang dijunjung bukan dilapah
Engkau bukan diperbuat untuk diratah
Ingat, makhluk bernafas bukan untuk disembah.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


We live in a small labyrinth of thought.
We get confused, we get perplexed.

Much of my life has been devoted to trying to get across the point that we urgently need to make an elliptical course around one another, the urge to be an optimistic. To seek wisdom and acquire knowledge. To believe and have faith in self.

As I age, I begin to feel it's much more important to comprehend hearts and souls of human being--yes--the mere definition of humanity can't easily be uttered. Or how to describe the universe by my own imaginative power so that it'd seem more real than reality itself.

In retrospection, I wanted to be a lawyer or an arbitrator but I chose science instead. The outcomes were a series of chemical explosions, power plant, petroleum and shit which tore me apart. And you know, the ability to identify some profoundly significant otherness ie the nature, the earth and have pushed me to the limits of absurdity.

I seldomly note down my feelings you see, because I'm not good at it. Lacking of nourishment is one of my major drawbacks I presume. I WANT to discover myself, the circle of identity, to solve the riddle of my being and WHAT I really desire in life.

I think a worthwhile goal lays before me. But the infinitely most precious thing in existence is...


A firm doctrine.